How to Play Major Triads Over Pedal Bass Note
How to play major triads over a bass note, or maybe a better title might be playing major triads over a static bass note. I will use each note of the chromatic scale to base 12 major triads over the…
How to play major triads over a bass note, or maybe a better title might be playing major triads over a static bass note. I will use each note of the chromatic scale to base 12 major triads over the…
In this lesson “How to Play Triad Shapes in Pattern Five of the Major Scale”, we will start with triads in the major scale pattern number five found in my article “Pentatonic Scale Plus Two Equals Major Scale”. Playing in…
This lesson “How to Play Triad Shapes in Pattern Four of the Major Scale”, starts with the triads in the major scale pattern number four. Playing in the key of G, this pattern is in the 10th fret area starting…
In this lesson, “How to Play Triad Shapes in Pattern Three of the Major Scale”, we start our first triad in the third major scale pattern. This major scale pattern is in the key of G and starts on the…
In this lesson, I will show you “How to Play Triad Shapes in Pattern Two of the Major Scale”. This is a continuation of “How to Play Triad Shapes in Pattern One Major Scale“. Fifth Position This major scale pattern…
Last but not least in this series of triads, “How to Play Triads on Strings 4, 5, and 6”. This string set will have its root note on the fourth string, followed by the fifth on the 5th string and…
How to Play Major Scale Triads on Strings 3, 4, and 5 How to play major scale triads on strings 3, 4, and 5, is a continuation of adding another string to the previous patterns learned in my other post.…
Continuing on from playing triads on the first three strings, to how to play triads on strings 2, 3, and 4. Before moving on though, just a few oversights. Seeing the Bigger Picture If you start to see complete chords…
Triads In this lesson, I will show you how to play triads on the first three strings. To play a triad means to play different notes. We will get these three notes from the G major scale. How to Build…