How To Play a 3 Octave Major Arpeggio

If playing arpeggios are new to you, check out my arpeggio lesson here. If you are already playing arpeggios and want to expand playing arpeggios to 3 octaves, check out this lesson. How To Play 3 Octave Arpeggios, starting with the major arpeggio.
Playing 3-octave arpeggios on the guitar can be played in many different ways. The way this lesson will start out will be played in different areas of the guitar neck.
For example, this 3-octave major arpeggio starts out in position one and ends up 12 frets higher.
Major Arpeggio Formula
The formula for any major arpeggio is to play the 1, 3, 5 of its major scale.

This arpeggio is an F major starting on its root note. The other notes come from the F major scale. The major third, A, and the perfect fifth, C.

Root Notes
Notice in pattern 1 the root note is in red. If you move this pattern up one fret, it will change the arpeggio to an F#/Gb major arpeggio. Since it has no open string notes, it is moveable.

Notice here that we jump up to the eighth fret fifth string from the third fret in pattern 1. This pattern comes from the C pattern in the caged form.
Being in the fifth position on the guitar neck, it has an easy pattern for your fingers to fall into.
After playing a complete octave of the F major arpeggio in the fifth position, continue on with the third and final pattern.

This last pattern has a stretch from the 8th fret to the 13th fret, ending on F the root note.
After pattern 2’s F note on the second string to the 10th fret A note, use the third finger. Next, use your first finger on the 8th fret. Finish at the 13th fret with your pinky finger.
Using the 3 Octave Arpeggio
Start out your next solo with this arpeggio. Or play it in the middle of your solo to get to the higher notes. Last, you could play it on the last chord of your ballad. Any way you play and use this arpeggio, it will be fun knowing how to play it.
Pick a backing track from YouTube in the key of F. Practice any or all of these ways to use it in a solo.
Lastly, move it up to play other 3 octave major arpeggios. A good goal would be to play this 3-octave arpeggio from the first fret to the eighth fret. Which is C on the sixth string to the C note first string 20th fret for a C major Arpeggio. Play all three patterns moving up one fret at a time.